The Health Benefits of Couch Grass Herb

Couch grass, also commonly known as dog grass, took its latter name from the tendency of dogs to dig it up and eat it when they felt ill.

In human treatments, the rhizome of this grass is the part used for medicinal purposes.

Its demulcent, diuretic and antibiotic properties have since been recognized even by many practitioners of modern medicine.

The beneficial constituents of couch grass include the polysaccharide triticin, mucilage, potassium, zinc and the volatile oil agropyrene.

These benefits are typically derived through decoction as a tea or as a tincture.

Couch Grass Herb

Couch grass also known as crab or twitch grass, is a French spring tonic under the scientific name Triticum repense where herbal teas made of couch grass roots are said to have unpleasant taste but then it’s been a classic drink in France given to patients as alternative medicine.

Despite its unlikable taste, it has various benefits that are recognized as aid in kidney and liver drainer.

Also, quick remedies are just made of handful of chopped fresh couch grass simmered in ½ litre of water for around 20 minutes and then allowed to steep again for another 10 minutes.

This tea or ideal detox “food” for the kidney and liver has been highly recognized by Swiss naturopath, Dr. Alfred Vogel as it stimulates the liver’s cleansing capabilities as well as promotes the body’s natural immunity to fight against diseases easily and for long term.

To make this herbal root tea, use 2 teaspoons of dried and cut root per cup of water.

Slowly boil and simmer. The tea is recommended to be taken three times a day for best results.

Also, it’s good to soothe inflammations especially in the mucosal linings in the throat, urinary tract and the stomach.

It may loosen release of phlegm and speaking easier for instance when suffering from laryngitis.

Couch grass is generally thought to be a safe herb, with some reported serious adverse events.

Few cases of side effects are enhancing heart rate and rhythm, nausea and vomiting have been reported.