Green Cress and its health benefits

Garden Cress, a green perennial (living for long years) plant used as a vegetable, especially for garnishing.
Cress, a name given to a range of green salad plants.

American cress, Winter Cress and Water Cress was well known, they became popular in the 1770’s, the refreshing qualities of the cress were apparent to all.

Garden Cress, one of the best plants in cultivation for herbs can be grown in pots or boxes and an excellent ingredient for salads.

Garden Cress is packed with a lot of health benefits and you will definitely want it to be apart of your diet, with long leaves at the bottom of the stem and green feather-like leaves arranged on opposites sides of its stalks at the top, an excellent source of iron, folic acid, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin A and thus would want it be a good choice to a healthy start.


Each part of the vegetable have its own medicinal purposes, the seed, an excellent source of protein can be used as an expectorant, relieve sore throat, cough, asthma and headache when chewed.

The leaves and stems can be eaten raw especially in salads and sandwiches.

Garden Cress have its origin, the wild Water Cress can be dated back to the Roman times, where Historians reported that Roman soldiers ate Water Cress to aid strength and stamina before battle.

Water Cress was known to be used as a tonic and the first cultivation started in England in the 19th Century.

Studies have shown that Garden Cress can aid in the prevention of lung cancer, anemia, diabetes, boost the memory, regulate menstrual cycle, increase milk production in lactating mothers, stimulate your appetite and purify the blood.

This excellent vegetable is known for its peppery flavour, an important green vegetable consumed by humans.