Plants are known for many curative and medicinal properties, there are many types of plants used as an herb that is available worldwide, some we know, others unbeknown to us.
Herbs are known for a variety of health benefits and have been used for its medicinal uses for thousands of years. One of these herbs that can provide the body with its many health benefits is “dill”, a green herb with feathery leaves that is also used as a spice across the world, a unique perennial or annual herbal plants, a member of the Umbelliferae family also to which fennel belongs.
The seed of the dill is mostly used for cooking and the leaves can be used as tea and you will see more uses further on. Dill is packed with numerous nutritional values especially the seed, dill is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fibre, iron, riboflavin, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, calcium, carbohydrates, fatty acids, other minerals and vitamin and sugar.
In fact, both its leaves and seeds are used as a spice because of its sweet aromatic flavour with a slight bitterness.
Native to Southern Russia, Western Africa and the Mediterranean region but is also grown wild in North and South America and Europe.
This powerful herb has hollow stems with marked grooves that grows about 50 centimeters to one (1) metre in height with green and white Colour with an oval shaped fruit.
Dill derives from the English word dile which means “to soothe” because it is commonly used as an anti- flatulent for people with gas problems. The health benefits are endless, the herb is low in calories and contains no cholesterol, but is enriched with powerful anti-oxidants.
Dill when consumed as a tea is known to treat problems of the respiratory system, treat or prevents cancer, aids in digestion, strengthens the bones thus preventing it from osteoporosis, treats or prevents diabetes, arthritis, strengthens the immune system, calm hiccups and helps sleep problems and headaches, treats diarrhea, treats symptoms of menstruation, chewing on the seeds helps to eliminate bad breath and stimulates lactation in nursing mothers.
Dill can be added to culinary dishes or used as a garnish in sandwiches or salads.
Dill tea is prepared by soaking two (2) teaspoons of seeds in boiling water and let it steep for about 15 minutes, the seeds are then removed and the liquid strained and consumed, dill can also be found in tea bags or the herb itself is available at your local market.