The Health Benefits Of Leeks‏

Leeks, a vegetable that belongs to the Allium family which is also related to shallot, onion and garlic. This white stalk vegetable is known for its sweet taste and delicate flavour, more like onions.

Leeks with its fibre richness is an excellent vegetable that should be added to your daily meals. Leeks have been known for years for its numerous health benefits and consuming it regularly will improve your health and prevents many diseases.

Leeks are an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin K, folic acid, anti-oxidants, vitamin C, manganese, pyridoxine, fibre, carotenes, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, selenium, low in calories and contains nearly one hundred percent (100%) water.


Leeks, scientifically belongs to the Alliaceae family, to which all the bulbous plants belong. Native to Central Asia, leeks have been touted by the Ancient Greeks and Romans especially for the fact that it is very beneficial for the throat to make the voice stronger. In recent times this vegetable is cultivated across Europe and is popularly used in many dishes there.

Leeks is packed with numerous health benefits especially when consumed as a juice, this herbaceous plant with the most edible part being the stem and the green leaves can be used to make juice.

When consumed regularly leeks are known to aid in weight loss because of its high fibre content, prevents Anaemia, thanks to its rich source of iron, aids digestion, regulates blood pressure levels, prevents birth defects in pregnant women because of folic acid in it which is important especially in the early stages of pregnancy, it cleanses the body, protects the eyes from diseases, prevents infections, promotes strong healthy bones and protects it from diseases like osteoporosis.

It is also known to protect the blood vessels, prevents arthritis, diabetes, strokes, heart disease and even cancer.

Leeks can be found in supermarkets worldwide and is prepared similar to an onion.