The Health Benefits of Betony Tea

Betony is a perennial wood-type plant whose parts are used often in herbal medicine. The stems rise to a height of 1 to 2 feet, and are slender, square and rutted that is native to Europe, western Asia and northern Africa. For centuries, this herb was thought to have special properties.


The ancient Egyptians and Anglo-Saxons believed betony to be magical, and in the Middle Ages, both men and women wore betony amulets to ward off evil.


Betony infusions (tea) and tinctures are used to treat head-related afflictions such as migraines, toothaches, anxiety and sleeping troubles. Betony is also used for diarrhoea, menstrual problems, mouth and throat irritations, and skin conditions.


For relaxation or for use as a general tonic, a tea can be made by covering 1 teaspoon dried betony leaves with 1 cup of boiling water, then steeping for about 5 minutes. It tastes much like black tea (made from Camellia sinensis) but contains no caffeine.

Betony Herb Tea
Betony Herb Tea

One or two cups of this tea can be drunk per day. Though generally better between meals, it can be taken with food for convenience or if there is any gastrointestinal upset.


This tea is used as an astringent as a gargle for irritations of the mouth and throat. Wood betony tea can ease your natural reactions down by inhibiting negative reactions from your heart and brain and is good for blood pressure problems.


If you’ve been taking betony tea for a while and you’re experiencing some unusual reactions, it is advisable to seek medical attention immediately.


Do not take wood betony tea if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. It may lead to uterine contractions and internal bleeding.


Also, avoid any treatment based on wood betony tea if you’re preparing for a surgery or need to take blood thinners or anti-coagulant, and it should not be given to children under 2 years old.