Tobacco is a plant within the genus Nicotiana of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family and is native to North and South America.
It is consumed by smoking, inhaling, or chewing and is known to be a habit forming narcotic.
Despite the attempts to ban tobacco, its consumption steadily continues to move forward.
Tobacco is the most grown plant in the world that is not used for food.
A tobacco plant produces between 20 and 30 leaves, and even more if buds are not removed. They are not all usable.
According to the process in the field, mainly if the tobacco plants are topped or not, the grower is going to pick between 10 and 16 leaves.
When tobacco smoke is inhaled, the nicotine passes quickly to every organ of the body.
The brain and nervous system are stimulated by small doses and depressed by larger ones.
Nicotine increases the heart rate and the blood pressure, and may contribute directly to the excess of thrombosis and atheroma in smokers.
Tobacco is a great insect repellent for the kitchen garden. By simply soaking as little as a cigarette amount of tobacco in a quart of water and allowing it to soak overnight, the nicotine released in the water will create an all purpose insect repellent.
Indians used a poultice of tobacco leaves to put on skin inflammations to help soothe and relieve pain.
Also in India, powdered tobacco is rubbed on the teeth for cleaning.
This method is still used in India and marketed in stores around the country; in fact it is used around the world.
The treatment of schizophrenia isn’t the only positive effect that nicotine has on the brain.
It offers benefits to the brain as well, a series of very interesting studies from multiple academic sources confirms that the risk of Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease is surprisingly higher in non-smokers than in smokers.
Tobacco is very addictive and regular use can lead to heart disease and other serious health problems.