Ceylon Gooseberry Scientific Name, Dovyalis hebecarpa is a plant in the genus Dovyalis, native to Sri Lanka and southern India.
Ceylon gooseberry is a shrub or small, dioecious perennial tree growing to 19.6ft in high with long, slender, arching, wide-spreading branches.
The trunk and lower branches are sharp, with long spines.
The fruit is an edible dark purple globose berry very juicy with an acidic flavour, and containing several small seeds.
The fruit is quite acidic, so it is usually not eaten fresh. The tree takes about 2-3 years to fruit.
Its thin, bitter skin turns from orange to dark purple on ripening and is, coated with short, greyish-green, velvety hairs.
The Ceylon gooseberry boasts high amounts of antioxidants, polyphenols, and anthocyanins.
Anthocyanins are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can also reduce the risk of heart attacks.
The fruits are also known for their bitterness, sourness and intense acidity.
Its skin is especially caustic. Some liken the taste to an astringent apricot, while others liken it to a cranberry’s.
Ceylon gooseberries are, seldom consumed raw; instead, they’re used to make jams, juices and preserves.