Health Benefits Of Consuming Soursop

Many people may have heard the word soursop and consider it to be a sour fruit which in fact is true, it is about eighty percent (80%) sour and twenty percent (20%) sweetness but like the old book says, ‘never judge a book by its cover.’

Soursop, also known as (Graviola), is a fruit of a tree that originates in the forests of South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia.

According to Cancer Research in the United Kingdom, native people in these regions used the soursop fruit to treat illnesses and diseases. During the latter part of the 20th century, soursop gained attention as a natural cancer cell killer.

The plant is grown as a commercial herb crop for its 20-30 cm (7.9-12 in) long, prickly, green fruit, which can have a mass of up to 15 lb (6.8 kg), making it probably the second biggest Annona after the junglesop.


Away from its native area, some limited production occurs as far north as southern Florida within USDA Zone 10; however, these are mostly garden plantings for local consumption.

It is also grown in parts of Southeast Asia and abundant on the Island of Mauritius.

The soursop will reportedly fruit as a container specimen, even in temperate climates, if protected from cold temperatures.

The leathery skin fruit has numerous life changing benefits, who would think that the astounding fruit could attack cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss? Well! Soursop leaf has an effective target and kills malignant cells for 12 types of cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.

Power works 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells compared with adriamycin and chemotherapy is commonly used.

Vitamins are the most dominant in soursop fruit. Vitamin C is around 20 mg per 100 grams of fruit flesh. Requirement of vitamin C per person per day is (60 mg), this is met only by consuming 300 grams of soursop flesh found in the fruit .


The content of vitamin C is high enough and soursop is an excellent antioxidant to increase endurance and slow the aging process.

Soursop prevents nerve damage and maintains a healthy heart, this is so because the content of vitamin B1 able to accelerate metabolism, blood circulation, prevents nerve damage, restoring the edges and central nervous disorders. The content of vitamin B2 is required for the body’s energy production, fat storage, nervous system function, and maintenance of the heart muscle.

The prickly fruit is rich in fiber, in addition to nutritional components; soursop fruit is also very rich in non-nutritional components. One of them is to contain a lot of fiber (dietary fiber); fiber is very good for digestive health and weight loss.

Last, the fruit increases energy, the content of fructose in soursop can keep you fresh, and can drain energy. This is because fructose is a simple sugar (monosaccharide) found in many fruits. This could be a good natural source of carbohydrates for the body.

Soursop fruit offers a variety of positive content for human health, ranging from fruits, leaves, and even trees.

Soursop leaves in fact contain many benefits to herbal medicine materials, and to maintain a healthy life.