Health Benefits of Greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt, cheese, or sack yoghurt is yoghurt that has been strained to remove most of its whey, resulting in a thicker consistency than unstrained yoghurt, while preserving the yoghurt’s distinctive sour taste.

Whey a liquid that contains lactose, it is a natural sugar found in milk.

When making yoghurt, this involves fermenting milk with live cultures of beneficial bacteria.

Strained Greek yoghurt is lower in sugar than regular yoghurt.


Removing the whey produces a thicker, creamier yoghurt.

There is a difference between Greek yoghurt and regular yoghurt.

Greek yoghurt is, strained three times, so most of the liquid is removed.

It gives Greek yoghurt its’ thicker consistency and stronger flavours compared to regular yoghurt.

And because Greek yoghurt is more concentrated, it has more protein than regular yoghurt.

According to nutritionists one cup of plain Greek yoghurt can help you meet the recommended dietary guideline of three daily servings of low-fat or nonfat dairy products.

People who have lactose intolerance may also find Greek yoghurt easier to digest because of the bacterial breakdown of the milk’s sugars.