Catuaba is a small, vigorous growing tree with yellow and orange flowers and small yellow oval-shaped inedible fruit and grows in the rainforests in the northern part of Brazil.
Catuaba bark is derived from the tree that grows 2 to 4 m tall and is decorated with yellow or orange flowers.
An herbal tea made from the bark is used for sexual impotency and lack of sexual interest, weakness, poor memory or forgetfulness.
Catuaba is the most famous aphrodisiac plant in Brazil and has a long history of use and is specifically used to enhance the erection.
It is also used for agitation, trouble sleeping related to high blood pressure, nervousness, ongoing mental and physical fatigue (neurasthenia), poor memory or forgetfulness, skin cancer; and as a tonic.
Catuaba bark has been used by many men across the world to rejuvenate their libido and desires and is not associated with adverse health effects.
Catuaba tincture and capsules are available in most health stores and herbal medicine shops.
Though the effectiveness is not scientifically proven, it is said to work by stimulating the nervous system and aiding with genital function.
The herb is also known as Caramuru, Golden Trumpet, Chuchuhuasha, Erythroxylum catuaba, Pau De Reposta, Piratancara and Tatuaba.
It may be effective for boosting the mood due to the feelings of euphoria that are said to result from use.
In Brazil, you can find Catuaba infused with wine and sold in supermarkets. It is very popular among young Brazilian couples. This herb may not be effective for treating severe conditions, as the effects are mild.
Its medical properties extend even farther, as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral.
It helps dilate and strengthen the arteries and improves circulation. Its chemical composition includes tannins, phyto-chemicals, and flavonoids for super antioxidant prowess.
More recently, studies show that Catuaba extract strengthens blood cells and helps them fight off all kinds of pathogens, including the HIV virus.
The FDA reports that other side effects seen in patients after taking catuaba are the direct result of experimental research, such as stomach irritation and muscle spasms associated with the nervous system.
As with any introduction of a new dietary supplement, the FDA suggests that users seek the advice of a medical professional before beginning treatment.