Fenugreek herb is an annual plant belonging to the Fabaceae family. Fenugreek is a commonly used as a flavouring agent and food product.
It is available and used both as an herb (the leaves of the plant) and as a spice (the seed). Fenugreek is also available as an herbal supplement.
Many women use fenugreek as a natural herbal oestrogen supplement, but women should be aware that the use of this herb can cause unwanted weight gain.
The seeds have been found to contain protein, vitamin C, niacin and potassium.
It helps to increase libido and lessen the effect of hot flashes and mood fluctuations that are common symptoms of menopause and PMS.
The antioxidant properties of fenugreek may lead to further benefit in a variety of areas.
Fenugreek has protected liver cells from alcohol toxicity. Fenugreek has been known to be helpful in inducing childbirth by stimulating uterine contractions.
It is also known to reduce labour pain. But here’s a word of caution as excess intake of fenugreek seeds during pregnancy could put you in risk of miscarriage or premature childbirth. Fenugreek helps flush out harmful toxins. It relieves indigestion and helps treat constipation.
Fenugreek can be used in face packs to help prevent blackheads, pimples and wrinkles.
Washing your face with water boiled with fenugreek seeds or applying a paste of fresh fenugreek leaves for twenty minutes on your face can work wonders for your skin.
It is often used for weight loss, anorexia and for poor appetite.
Men on the other hand benefit from it for loss of libido, painful testicles and premature ejaculation.
Being rich in iron, fenugreek powder is a good remedy for people suffering from anaemia.
It can increase the amount of haemoglobin in Red Blood Corpuscles (RBC) in our blood and aid anaemia greatly.
Excess intake of fenugreek seeds by pregnant mothers would put them in risk of premature childbirth so; it must be taken in moderation.