Canistel is a tropical fruit which is grown mostly in some part of Asia and originated in the dry subtropics of Southern Mexico as well as tropical areas of Belize, Guatemala and El Salvador and is a member of the Sapote family.
When ripe, it is said to have a texture similar to that of a thoroughly cooked egg yolk.
The meat of the fruit is sweet and edible raw. The fruit has a colour of orange to yellow thin skin, and the flesh is dry like a boiled egg yolk.
They are usually eaten fresh, used for cooking, pies, and they have an excellent taste in ice cream. Good source of vitamin A and niacin, fair source of vitamin C, calcium iron and phosphorus.
A decoction of the mordant bark is taken as a febrifuge in Mexico and applied on skin eruptions in Cuba. A preparation of the seeds has been employed as a remedy for ulcers.
One serving of eggfruit also provides a good quantity of iron, a mineral necessary for blood health by facilitating proper oxygen circulation, assists with memory, stable energy levels and overall strength.
Canistel contains about 60 percent water; many people enjoy the fruit with salt, pepper and lime or lemon juice or mayonnaise, either fresh or after light baking.
They are particularly rich in carotene and niacin, and they also have a good amount of ascorbic acid.
The timber is fine-grained, compact, strong, moderately to very heavy and hard, and valued especially for planks and rafters in construction.
Fruits provide plenty of soluble dietary fiber, which helps to ward of cholesterol and fats from the body and to get relief from constipation as well.
In the store, however, choose fruits that feature freshness, bright in colour and flavour and feel heavy in your hands.