Horny goat weed is part of the genus Epimedium, and it’s a native plant in several parts of China.
It also grows in other regions of Asia, including Korea. A major component of horny goat weed is a flavonoid called icarin that is also present in Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.
Its tea that is been brewed from this weed has many health benefits especially for men as it is known as a natural Viagra.
This supplement is thought to remedy erectile dysfunction and offset low sex drives.
Horny goat weed is often used to treat osteoporosis and various sexual dysfunctions.
However, other uses of the plant include the treatment of hypertension, bronchitis, coronary heart disease, polio and more.
This makes sense because the active ingredient works on smooth muscle tissue. This is the tissues that surround the heart.
When the heart muscles are under strain, it is easy to visualize how this can cause other problems in the surrounding affected systems.
It has been used to treat joint pain, numbness, memory problems, painful or cold low back or knees, as well as irregular menstrual cycles, spermatorrhea, and impotence.
It has been cited as producing an anti-aging effect and can improve the immune system as well as the endocrine system.
Some of its preparations also seem to have anti-inflammatory capabilities, and it has been suggested that some mixtures of horny goat weed with other herbs might help prevent hardening of the arteries.
The supplement is also thought to be helpful in protecting women against a host of diseases.
High doses of horny goat weed could cause an increase in heart rate or a disturbance in the heart’s natural rhythm.
The stimulating effects of horny goat weed can also increase your anxiety, difficulty sleeping and blood pressure.
A health care provider must be consulted first before taking any herbal supplements.