Jelly Fish Tree

According to various information on this species of tree, it has been, suggested that the jellyfish tree is currently one of the rarest plant species in the world.

Its total population is less than 30 plants scattered over three hilltops on Mahé Island in Seychelles.

The Jelly Fish plant has been listed as ‘endangered’ by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

They are small trees which can reach up to 33 ft tall and have a dense, rounded crown of foliage.


Its bark is dark and has many distinctive, deep fissures. Leaves are shiny and leathery in appearance with a slightly scalloped edge; they turn bright red with age.

The reproductive element of the Jellyfish Tree’s female flower bears an uncanny resemblance to the tentacles of a jellyfish.

It is, said that the seeds are, dispersed by wind, which is rather uncommon among plants on small oceanic islands as the seeds can easily be, blown into the sea.

Wikipedia states that the generic name Medusagyne was, given to the plant by John Gilbert Baker who thought that the gynoecium of the flower resembles the head of Medusa from Greek mythology.