Agrimony is an herb; native to Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa, it has a great reputation for curing jaundice and other liver complaints.
Agrimony is perhaps best known as a wound herb used on medieval battlefields to cease bleeding.
It is a member of the rose family of plants and has a fragrant smell with a faint hint of lemon.
In North America agrimony was used for a variety of ailments by Native Americans and up until the late 19th century agrimony was used throughout Europe and North America to treat skin conditions, cough, sore throat, and diarrhoea.
It tastes rather like apricots, and makes a pleasant tisane.
The combination of being a bitter tonic as well as an astringent herb make agrimony a valuable tonic for the digestive system and a useful remedy for healing peptic ulcers.
It is also use as a tea and gargle for sore throat, and externally as a mild antiseptic and astringent.
Agrimony herb is beneficial for soothing eye irritations and eye ailments.
It has been found to be helpful in the treatment of conjunctivitis (pink eye) and blepharitis. It also kills bacteria that cause dysentery, typhoid, E. coli and staph infection. Agrimony herbal extract acts strongly on the kidneys to pass fluid, and as a tonic for the digestive system to promote assimilation of food.
It helps relieve the pain accompanying passage of gravel and has been used for leaky bladder following the passage of kidney stones.
It is considered useful to prevent the return of kidney stones, as well.
Agrimony has been used as a mouthwash or gargle for sore throats and inflamed gums.
It is used in the treatment of leucorrhoea and may be used in a poultice for treatment of varicose veins.
Agrimony is available in any herbal supplies in the form of agrimony extract, dried herb, and agrimony Bach flower remedy.